- Ships: 15
- Events: 24
- Photos: 802
» QE2 Passes QM2
Ships Attending:
{Queen Mary 2}
{Queen Elizabeth 2}
{Saga Ruby}
Date: {23/04/06}
Yet again a wet, grey miserable day meant the viewing for the two Queens
was far from spectacular. Not to be put out I managed to get quite a
few snaps of the event and (as always on these rare occasions) loved
hearing the two horns ring out across Southampton Water. Today was quite
a treat since there were no fewer than five large passenger cruisers
all in Southampton Oceana, Saga Rose, Saga Ruby, Queen Elizabeth 2 and
Queen Mary 2.
QE2 made her way up out of the mist and was
accompanied by a fire vessel spraying two plumes of water high into the
air, she soon passed the Queen Mary 2 and you could hear cheers from
those onboard both vessels enjoying the occasion. An excellent day's
viewing, hopefully the sun will shine next time!