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» The Queens Arrive

Ships Attending: {Queen Mary 2} {Queen Elizabeth 2}
Date: {05/06/04}

Well, it wasn't raining and even though I got up ridiculously early I still wasn't there in time to see the Queen Mary 2 arrive, *but* the main thing was I got the Queen Elizabeth 2 crossing QM2's stern as the sun rose, quite a rare event and one im so glad I got up for, I think these might be the best set of pictures I've currently taken.

I must say it was an awesome sight to see both liners together again and finally I've gotten to see them catching the sun! As QE2 gracefully moved up the channel I just couldn't help myself taking pictures - she's so photogenic (if that's possible in Ship terms!).

My apologies for the sometimes odd colour changes in the photos (ie, the blue tinge, you can see the ones which are correct though), this is down to my automation (size/leveling) software which doesn't always hit the mark, but saves me manually editing each picture. Trust me though - the originals are splendid!

 QE2 Zoom With QM2 Casting Shadow  QE2 Zoom  The Docks With QE2 Morning  QE2 Bridge Bow Zoom
 I Cant Stop Taking Photos  Both Distant Wide  QE2 Stern Zoom  QE2 Forward Passing Zoom
 QE2 Forward Sun  QE2 Final Zoom  QM2 Docked At Dawn  QE2 Increasing Gap
 QE2 Zoom With Tugs  QE2 Zoom Sun Hiding  QE2 Passing Quay  QE2 With Tugs
 QE2 Lifeboats And New Air-Con Unit  QE2 Past Quay  QE2 Catching Sun  QE2 Increasing Gap 2
 QE2 Heading For Berth  QE2 Bow Appearing  QM2 With Reflected Light From QE2  QM2 Portrait
 QM2 Casting Shadow  QM2 First Of Suns Rays  QE2 Forward Zoom  QE2 Edges Out Portrait
 QE2 Coming Into Light 2  QE2 Edges Out  Both Widest Gap  QE2 Coming Into Light
 QE2 Passing Quay Elegant  QE2 Funnel  QE2 Passing Quay Portrait

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