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» The World & Oriana Arrival

Ships Attending: {The World} {Oriana}
Date: {21/05/04}

My advice was that 'The World' was due in at 05.30 and would be alongside by 06.00 so it set the alarm nice and early and headed down to Town Quay, it was pretty dark and quiet as you can see my from first couple of sunrises!

Eventually I found out that she wasn't going to be appearing until 08.00, but luckily the Oriana was also heading in and she arrived just as the sun was rising, she looked pretty good and I made my way to Mayflower park for a few more shots as the sun caught her.

Finally about 07.40 'The World' made her entrance to the port carrying her prosperous tennants. Slightly smaller than perhaps I expected but well refined. With an air of quality about her she slowly made her way up an otherwise empty Southampton Water and I happily snapped away.

I did (for the second time) visit May Flower park and managed to get some quite interesting shots of her berthing at dock 104 with Oriana having turned facing me, and all the while the sun was out! well worth while waking so early - enjoy the photos!

 Oriana Forward Section  Oriana First Glimpse  The World Stern Moving On  The World Aft Section
 Oriana Lonely  The World Wide  Oriana Stern 2  The World Zoom
 Oriana Funnel  The World With Dockside  Oriana In Sight  Five Fourty
 Oriana Bow  Oriana Length 2  Oriana Sunshine  The World Forward Portrait
 The World Berthing Mayflower  The World Lonely Portrait  Oriana Mayflower Park  The World In Sight Portrait
 The World Berthing Portrait  Oriana Portrait  The World Funnel  The World Zoom Portrait
 Oriana Cranes Zoom  Oriana Stern  The World Approaches  The World Blue Sky
 The World Almost There  The World Berthing Mayflower Portrait  The World Length  The World Zoom 2
 The World In Sight  The World Bow  The World Getting Closer To Oriana  The World Bow
 The World Mid Section  The World Bow 2  Oriana Length Portrait  Oriana Mid Section
 The World Infront Of Oriana  The World Aft  The World Berthed Zoom  Five Thirty
 The World Berthed Distant  The World Lonely  Oriana Cranes  The World Lenght Moving On
 Oriana Distant  Oriana Length  Oriana Wide  Oriana Zoom

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